The toy swaps and all our projects seek to promote responsible and eco-friendly habits as well as introducing children to the concept of a “circular economy”.
We believe that instilling awareness from a young age can result in a better understanding of what happens to the waste that is generated from toys (particularly plastic) and its packaging.
Our Toy Swap asks children to bring a toy they no longer want or play with and swap it for another one. The emphasis of the toy swap shop is not on the monetary value a toy may have but rather on helping children (and adults) be more environmentally responsible and reduce waste.
We are delighted to have the support of Clarion Futures Grant in supporting the delivery of our 24/25 sessions*.
Our dates for 24/25 are:
2024: Saturday 21 September and 14 December, 11:30-2pm
2025: Saturday 5 April and 12 July, 12:30-3pm
(note due to unforeseen circumstances our session on 15 February has been cancelled)
Location: Storey’s Field Centre, Eddington
*We are grateful to our past donors: Eddington Community Chest Fund and Plastics Europe for all their support in the past years.