Toy Swap @ 2020 Vision for the Future
Rampton Village HallToy Swap, Rampton, 29th Feb, 9:30-12pm
Room in the Bin: Toy Swap and Talk about Waste
Toy Swap at Eddington
Storey's Field Centre CambridgeWe are so happy to be back on business! Please make sure you have cleaned your toys before bringing them in. We look forward to seen you there.
Toy Swap at Sustainable You
We are hosting a Toy Swap as part of Sustainable You! The event is part of the University’s Open Cambridge festival.
Re-Imagining our Future: A Multi-Village Eco Event for South Cambs
Whittlesford Memorial Hall Mill Lane, WhittlesfordWe have been invited to have toy swap stall at this event. "Members of Eco Whittlesford, Haslingfield and Harlton Eco, and 2G3S: Green Groups in Shelfords, Stapleford and Sawston, have got together with a plan to share inspiration and energy with people in South Cambs and beyond. We aim to inspire each other, learn from what we are all doing and explore opportunities for synergy. It will be a fun afternoon with films; an ‘Imaginarium’ arts/craft activity based on the work of Rob Hopkins (of Transition Towns fame); games for kids; and a Veganuary-inspired family meal. A chance to share ideas with like minded people, have fun and beat the January blues!
Toy Swap Shop – Winter
Storey's Field Centre CambridgeCome and join us for our popular Toy Swap Shop. Bring a toy and change it for another absolutely FREE.
Let’s Clean Our Playground
Histon Road Recreational Grounds CambridgeWe are delighted to resume our "Let's Clean Our Playground" efforts. Join us at Histon Rec this Saturday 2-4.30pm. Equipment provided (including equipment for children).
Toy Swap Shop – Spring & Ukraine toy drive
Storey's Field Centre CambridgeJoin us for the second toy swap of this year! We will also be doing a toy drive collecting toys to send to the Ukraine. So if you have any other toys in good condition you want to donate, please bring them along OR if you want to donate money so we can mail the toys, please let us know.
Toy Swap Shop- Summer
Storey's Field Centre CambridgeJoin us before the summer holidays for our third toy swap of the year!
Toy Swap Shop- Autumn – CANCELLED
Storey's Field Centre CambridgeJoin us for our Autumn toy swap shop and reconnect after the summer break with friends and family (and make new friends along the way) CANCELLED DUE TO UNFORESEEN CIRCUMSTANCES
Toy Swap
Storey's Field Centre CambridgeToy Swap Christmas Special
Storey's Field Centre CambridgeCome and join us for this great Christmas Special! Make sure the toys you bring along as clean and in working order.