
I am dreaming of a green Christmas

Life has been hectic for the past while, organising for our Christmas event this Saturday. Make sure you spread the word around! I should be writing a much longer blog but a few words are better than nothing (trying to divide my time between school, interviews advertising the event (see our resource page) and taking part in a few events about the circular economy. We have some funds now to update our website, so hopefully we will improve it for the better (any volunteers who would like to help?) . After Saturday, I will have more time to write a longer blog and look at all of our activities this past year and what is coming for 2020. We already have a good few events coming up. So please get in touch if you have any spare time. They usually run at the weekends.

I hope to see you on Saturday, and please share the event as widely as possible. We want to make it a yearly tradition! https://atomic-temporary-154742033.wpcomstaging.com/christmas/

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